Selected papers published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series
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Selected papers from the PHYCONBA 2022 are published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series. All papers are free to read and can be downloaded at following link
We thank all the participants and hope to see you at the next PHYCONBA conference which will be held in 2024.
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This conference was organized with the support of Ministry of Science, Higher Eduaction and Youth of Canton Sarajevo
Invitation / Poziv za učešće na naučnom skupu
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Dear colleagues and students,
we are very pleased to invite you to take part in the third scientific meeting International Physics Conference in Bosnia & Herzegovina (PHYCONBA 2022) organized by the Physical Society in Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina with the support of the Faculty of Science in Sarajevo.
Date: 30 June - 1 July 2022
Venue: Premises of Faculty of Science in Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 35, Sarajevo
Registration deadline: May 1st, 2022 New deadline May 15th, 2022
Abstract submission: May 1st, 2022 New deadline May 15th, 2022
Full paper submission: September 15th, 2022
Payment deadline: May 15th, 2022
Official languages: bosnian, croatian, serbian and english
Presentation: Each participant can have only one, either oral or poster presentation
Students - participants can present their work only during poster sessions.
The scope of the conference will cover all areas of research in physics and related subjects.
Presenters will have 15 minutes for their talks and discussion. The recommended duration for the talk is 12 minutes, leaving 3 minutes for questions. We recommend A1 size poster in portrait as a maximum size. Organizers will provide participants with all the necessary equipment to hang the posters. Participants can put their posters up at the beginning of the day of their poster session or just before it.
The Program of the conference will be announced after the application deadline. Each participant will receive a Book of Abstracts.
Full conference papers will be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series published by IOP (SCOPUS). Instructions for preparing the paper for publishing can be found here.
Conference fee
Students* | 20 BAM |
Regular participation |
50 BAM |
Full paper publishing fee** |
150 BAM |
*Conference fee does not cover Conference Proceedings publishing.
**Conference proceedings will be published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series. The payment is required after the paper is accepted for publication.
The payment is to be made on the account of the Physical Society in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Drustvo fizicara u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine) number: 1610000023170013 at the Raiffeisen Bank DD Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo; with the purpose of the payment: conference fee
Registration fees are non-refundable.
Poštovane kolege i kolegice, dragi studenti,
sa velikim zadovoljstvom pozivamo Vas da učestvujete na naučnoj konferenciji Treći susret fizičara Bosne i Hercegovine sa međunarodnim učešćem u organizaciji Društva fizičara u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine i Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta u Sarajevu.
Tematika skupa pokriva sve oblasti fizike kao i srodne teme.
Datum održavanja: 30. juni i 1. juli 2022. godine.
Mjesto održavanja: Prostorije Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta u Sarajevu, Zmaja od Bosne 35, Sarajevo.
Rok registracije: 01. maj 2022. Novi rok 15. maj 2022.
Slanje sažetka: 01. maj. 2022. Novi rok 15. maj 2022.
Slanje cjelovitog rada: 15. septembar 2022.
Rok za plaćanje kotizacije: 15. maj 2022.
Zvanični jezici skupa su bosanski, hrvatski, srpski i engleski.
Svi učesnici mogu prijaviti jedno usmeno izlaganje ili jedan poster.
Usmena predavanja sa diskusijom treba da traju maksimalno 15 min (ne odnosi se na plenarna predavanja).
Studenti - učesnici skupa mogu prijaviti isključivo poster izlaganje svog rada.
Maksimalna preporučena veličina postera je A1 u portret formatu. Organizatori će svim učesnicima obezbjediti svu potrebnu opremu za postavljavnje postera.
Program skupa bit će objavljen nakon isteka roka za prijavu. Svi učesnici će dobiti Knjigu sažetaka.
Cjeloviti radovi će biti objavljeni u časopisu Journal of Physics: Conference series koji je indeksiran u bazi Scopus. Upute za pripremu
radova su dostupne na ovdje.
Kotizacija za učešće
Za studente* | 20 BAM |
Regularno učešće |
50 BAM |
Objava cjelovitog rada** |
150 BAM |
*Za studente koji učestvuju na konferenciji bez objavljivanja rada.
** Ovo plaćanje se vrši nakon što rad bude prihvaćen za objavljivanje.
Kotizacija neće se biti refundirana u slučaju otkazivanja učešća.
Kotizacija se uplaćuje na račun Društva fizičara u FBiH.
Transakcijski račun Društva fizičara u FBiH je kod RAIFFEISEN BANK DD BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA, SARAJEVO
Broj transakcijskog računa: 1610000023170013